Food Packing (Freezing)
CO2 is a natural refrigerant that can preserve food for storage or transport.
CO2 is a natural refrigerant that can preserve food for storage or transport.
If your business relies on a steady supply of food-grade CO2 for refrigeration and packaging, CryoGas is your ideal supplier.
Pure CO2 gas or gas mixtures are important ingredients in maintaining freshness and food quality for products that may need to remain packaged for a substantial amount of time. Even the most carefully crafted products should be transported and stored in an environment that allows them to remain as fresh as the day the package was sealed.
CryoGas CO2 delivery systems are reliable and cost-effective and they are important to prolonging the shelf life of fresh or processed foods. Our bulk and microbulk delivery systems allow for effective product delivery.
When quality matters, call CryoGas. Our CO2 supply services are what your business needs to deliver consistent, quality products.
When your business depends on a constant supply of high-quality CO2, your best asset is a partnership with CryoGas. We are a locally owned company that specializes in safe, reliable, and efficient delivery of liquefied CO2, and our mission is to help your business create the best products and services possible. For quality, food-grade gases for your food packing needs, call CryoGas.
If you’re worried about the reliability of your current gas delivery option, if you lack the resources to maintain your CO2 systems yourself, or if your growth means you need new gas storage and delivery solutions, call CryoGas. We have the most effective solution.
High levels of oxygen in packaged produce leads to a lower quality product and a shorter shelf life. CO2 provides a stable atmosphere in packaging by replacing the oxygen in the headspace and open areas of packaging around a perishable product. CO2 limits the growth of microorganisms and other situations where exposure to oxygen would affect color or product quality.
This is an important function for producers of fresh food that needs to be transported long distances for sale, and it requires a safe, constant supply of CO2. CryoGas is the supplier your business needs to maintain high productivity and pristine food quality.
We specialize in the safe, reliable and efficient delivery of liquified carbon dioxide. From the smallest bulk installation servicing beverage carbonation, to large industrial installations, CryoGas has the most effective solution.
5835 Manchester Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
Office : (314) 655-0077
Fax : (314) 655-0078
Office : (816) 423-1702